Study Reveals Black Parents and Children Face Bias and Injustice in Accessing Healthcare

A new study from the Urban Institute found that black parents and their children are more likely to experience discriminatory treatment when seeking medical care than other groups.
This week’s study is based on data from the most recent round of the nonprofit’s Health Reform Monitoring Survey, which was conducted in June.
About 22% of Black parents reported being unjustly judged or neglected due to their race or ethnicity, language, type of health insurance, weight, income, disability, or other characteristics.
Approximately 10% more Black parents reported receiving this treatment than White, Hispanic, or parents who identify with other racial groups, according to the survey.
“These experiences are disproportionately affecting parents of color and their children, especially Black parents,” Dulce Gonzalez, a senior researcher at the Urban Institute and co-author of the study, told CNN. “Understanding and interrupting these experiences of under-treatment and health care could be an important step towards helping to close a lot of the racial and ethnic health inequities that we see.”
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Key Factors for Unjust Treatment Reported by Black Parents

Race, ethnicity, country of origin, and primary language were among the most frequently cited reasons for unjust treatment by Black parents.
Seven out of ten parents who reported receiving discriminatory health care treatment were more likely to delay treatment as a result, according to the study.
The survey was conducted online with a nationally representative sample of 9,494 US adults aged 18 to 64, but the analysis was based on the responses of 2,981 parents of children younger than 19 years old.
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Souce: CNN