California’s New Shoplifting Law: A Disaster for Retailers?


Shoplifting has already been made legal in California thanks to Proposition 47, which reduced the cost of the product that was stolen from being a felony to a misdemeanor. 

Democratic state senator Dave Cortese of Santa Clara has proposed Senate Bill 553, which would compel companies to create a workplace violence prevention plan, record all workplace offenses, and prohibit non-security staff from confronting shoplifters.

According to small business owners, this legislation would be disastrous for their ability to make a living. A representative of the American Petroleum and Convenience Store Association named Harminder Singh referred to the legislation as the retail business killer.

However, since shoplifters are actually victims, nothing in the legislation or the normal California law protects business owners against shoplifters. 

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Shoplifters to Be Virtually Immune from Criminal Punishment in California

Shoplifting has already been made legal in California thanks to Proposition 47, which reduced the cost of the product that was stolen from being a felony to a misdemeanor.

Shoplifters will be aware that they are practically immune from criminal punishment in California if SB 553 is passed, and the majority of store owners and staff won’t be authorized to take any action to stop them either.

Nothing in the legislation and nothing about California law in general protects store owners from shoplifters. 

This is so that the Democratic Party, which has been destroying California for decades, can claim that the actual victims are shoplifters rather than store owners.

Shoplifters are already aware that they will almost never face criminal charges in California, they will be aware that the majority of store owners and their staff won’t be able to do anything to halt them either.

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Source: Newsbreak

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