Esther Mapes


Federal Grand Jury Indicts Five Former Memphis Officers in Tyre Nichols’ Death

A federal grand jury has indicted five former Memphis police officers in relation to Tyre Nichols’ death. According to court documents, Tadarrius Bean, Demetrius Haley, Justin Smith, Emmitt Martin III, and Desmond Mills Jr. were indicted on charges of depriving someone of their rights while acting under the color of the law, including using excessive…

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Americans Eligible for Updated COVID-19 Vaccination

Health experts recommended Tuesday that the majority of Americans receive the updated COVID-19 vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s advisory board recommended the additional vaccinations for people aged 6 months and older, and the agency’s director swiftly approved the plan on Tuesday. Doses should therefore be accessible this week, perhaps as early as…

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Your AI Toolkit: How to Choose the Best from the Most Popular Options

Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed how humans interact with software and complete different jobs in today’s digital world. AI-powered products are becoming essential across a range of industries, from automating repetitive tasks to providing smart solutions. Every aspect of our everyday life is impacted by these technologies, whether you’re organizing your work schedule, having online…

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Mounting Frustration Amongst Morocco Quake Survivors as Aid Delays Continue

After spending their fourth night outside, several earthquake survivors in Morocco were struggling in temporary shelters on Tuesday, and the people in the ravaged mountain areas expressed their dissatisfaction at the lack of assistance they had gotten from the authorities. 2,862 people were killed and 2,562 injured in the 6.8 magnitude earthquake that occurred late…

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Atlanta Officials Await Decision on ‘Stop Cop City’ Petition Signatures

Invoking a recent court ruling, Atlanta officials declined to validate the tens of thousands of signatures protestors submitted on Monday in an effort to halt the construction of a police and firefighter training complex. The activists had assembled ecstatically after claiming to have more than 116,000 signatures from Atlantans, considerably more than was required to…

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